The Sidewalk Trail is an easy 1.6 mile (one way) trail in the lower Gros Ventre Mountains that connects numerous trails in the Cache Creek Trail network. It can be hiked as an out and back hike or by connecting any of the other trails in the area for more mileage, if desired. The Sidewalk Trail is shared with mountain bikes so remember to look out for them. And while there’s technically no water along the trail, it can be easily found along the Cache Creek Trail nearby.
View more images available as prints from the Gros Ventre Mountains
Sidewalk Trail Description
The Sidewalk Trail is actually the first trailhead you’ll come to, reaching it about 0.25 miles before the primary Cache Creek Trailhead. From the small parking area at the trailhead, look for the trail to begin on the opposite side of the road as it quickly enters an aspen grove.
As the trail snakes through the aspens, you’ll notice the trail running parallel to the road. As it begins to veer away, you’ll connect with the first of many junctions. This specific junction leads to the first of three junctions with the Cache Creek Trailhead. Head left to continue on the Sidewalk Trail.

Shortly after you’ll reach another junction, this one with the Woods Connector, a trail used to cut over to Woods Canyon. Head right through this one, then straight through the next one immediately after for the Cache Creek Trailhead.
Past the previous junction, the Sidewalk Trail then begins making a few short and easy switchbacks up the hill. You’ll then pass one more junction with the Cache Creek Trailhead where you’ll want to continue left.
Once you’ve passed the main trailhead, the junctions become less frequent as you begin to make some progress up the canyon. The trail winds along the hillside above the main Cache Creek Trail as increasingly dramatic views can begin to be enjoyed both in front of you and behind you. Below you’ll hear the soothing rush of Cache Creek. This setting continues on before the hillside you’re hiking on begins to flatten out. At this point you’ll reach a junction with the main Cache Creek Trail at 0.25 miles in. Stay left to remain on the Sidewalk Trail.

Past this junction, the trail will make another series of easy switchbacks up into a large and welcoming aspen grove. You’ll continue to climb gradually through a large meadow, where you’ll encounter an unsigned junction. Stay left and at a signed junction just up the hill stay right. As you begin to make your way down the hill, the Sidewalk Trail will end as it connects with the Cache Creek Trail.
From here, you can either head back the way you came, or go down the Cache Creek Trail for a change in scenery. Likewise, if you’d like to add more miles, there are numerous trails in the area to whet any hiker’s appetite!
Getting There
From downtown Jackson, head east on Broadway for 0.6 miles. Turn right onto Redmond Ave. and follow that for 0.4 miles. Turn left onto Cache Creek Road and continue until you reach the Sidewalk Trail Trailhead after 0.9 miles.