The Seven Bridges to Lower Face Loop is a moderately easy 4.4 mile loop that stretches across the most scenic lower-elevation trails at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. The hike shows off stunning views of Jackson Hole, as well as intimate opportunities with flora and fauna in forest groves.
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Seven Bridges-Lower Face Loop Trail Description
The hike begins along the Saratoga Trail, sharing the origin of the Valley Trail as well. You’ll climb below the Teewinot lift behind the Bridger building, followed by the Four Seasons Hotel on the right. As the larger buildings shrink into private homes, the Valley Trail will fork off to continue up the ski run, while the Saratoga Trail will veer left to enter a grove between another ski run.
Snaking upward through the grove, you’ll soon begin making numerous creek crossings. Higher up still, the aspens defining the grove will give way to a few more evergreens as the creek begins to fade away. Shortly after, you’ll cut across a ski run, passing just above the Apres-Vous lift, winding back into a mixed forest.

At a trail junction, confusingly with the Saratoga Trail, you’ll head left to access the Seven Bridges Trail just up the trail as it runs up along a dirt road.
The first bit of the Seven Bridges Trail will cut across ski runs with their expected forest groves in between. After a quick bit of hiking, you’ll make a quick ascent along a creek before crossing that same creek, followed by a service road. You’ll continue in and out of ski runs and forest groves, all the while provided with gorgeous views up and down the valley of Jackson Hole.
Along the way as you’re hiking, several lengthy bridges guide you over wetter landscapes as creeks saturate the area, giving the trail its name. You’ll soon pass below both the Sweetwater Gondola, followed by the Bridger Gondola.
Beyond the gondolas, you’ll reach a junction with the Wildflower Trail. Continue right and almost immediately after, the Wildflower Trail will continue climbing off to the right. Stay left to maintain the hike along the Seven Bridges Trail.

Expansive views open up once again after crossing a large ski run. On the other side and through the subsequent grove, you’ll reach another junction, this time with the Tramline Trail. Stay right as you cross a service road while passing below the actual tram lines. The trail will widen for a bit here, where you’ll drop to the top of a lift to connect with the Lower Faces Loop. The loop can be enjoyed in either direction, but this write-up reflects going left.
Heading left from the junction, you’ll drop into a large and inviting meadow. The trail will wind around through a forest of large evergreens before crossing a service road, then veering to the right to push back into a thick forest. After passing through a quick ski run, a mixed forest will resume, making long easy switchbacks up through the forest.
After some easy ascending, you’ll connect with another service road where the trail is shared for a bit by heading left. After a brief jaunt up the road, you’ll see a sign directing you to the right off of the service road where you’ll ascend a bit more before heading across a wide ski run.

Wiggling through wonderful white aspens, you’ll wander through more ski runs and groves, followed by a junction with the Hoback Trail. The two trails share a short stretch as you meander back to the loop’s original junction, passing through more ski runs and groves, as has become commonplace.
As you reconnect with the original Lower Face Loop junction, continue straight, heading right at the junction with the Seven Bridges Trail. This will bring you down the Tramline Trail, sharing a quick stretch of service road before jumping back into the forest off to the left.
The Tramline Trail switchbacks down through the forest, paralleling the service road, and ultimately passing by small maintenance sheds. At a large service road junction, connect with the Wildflower Trail on the opposite side and take that down to close out the loop.
Getting There
From the Tram, head up behind the Bridger Center to find the southern terminus of the Valley Trail.